IFB seminar's schedule for 2016/2017 academic year

IFB seminar's schedule for 2016/2017 academic year [for more information please click a speaker's name].

Please check it regularly:

Speaker Research group Date
Prof. Robin Fahraeus (Inserm, Universit Paris) "Linking viral immune evasion with cell proliferation - Epstein-Barr virus encoded EBNA1" 07.10.2016
Dr Marielle Afanassieff "Rabbit Pluripotent Stem Cells: Interest and State of Art" 28.10.2016
Anna Fel Laboratory of Biopolymers Structure 18.11.2016
Marta Hubisz Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology 18.11.2016
Prof. Pierre Savatier   "From ground state pluripotency to lineage commitment, and back" 25.11.2016
Dr hab Robert Czajkowski "Lytic bacteriophages infecting pectinolytic Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp. as a new tool in the biological plant protection" 02.12.2016
Dr hab Mariusz Grinholc "Developing a strategy leading to an effective fight against the phenomenon of microbial strain-dependent response to photodynamic inactivation" 09.12.2016
4th Reporting Session 16.12.2016
Dr hab Mieczysław Mazurek "Culture of Innovation: Practitioner's perspective" 13.01.2017
Dr Michał Szymański "Structural basis of DNA replication and repair in human mitochondria" 13.01.2017
Prof. Marta Miączyńska "Inflammatory signalling from the endocytic pathway" 20.01.2017
4th Reporting Session - E-posters 27.01.2017
Inga Jamrożek Laboratory of Biomolecular Systems Simulations 17.02.2017
Jakub Fikowicz-Krośko Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology 17.02.2017
Dominika Wąchalska Laboratory of Moleuclar Virology 24.02.2017
Angelika Michalak Laboratory of Biologically Active Compunds 24.02.2017
Anna Nagel Laboratory of Cell Biology 03.03.2017
Marcel Thiel Laboratory of Biopolymers Structure 03.03.2017
Małgorzata Nowak Laboratory of Evolutionary Biochemistry 10.03.2017
Monika Romanik-Błońska Laboratory of Biophysics 10.03.2017
Joanna Rosecka Laboratory of Medical Chemistry 17.03.2017
Dr Marcin Dembek "Forward genetic studies of gene essentiality and sporulation in Clostridium difficile" 24.03.2017
Dr Joanna Sułkowska "Comprehensive analysis of knotted proteins – from folding to function" 07.04.2017
Dr Marta Hoffman-Sommer "Otwarty dostęp do publikacji i danych naukowych" 21.04.2017
Dr Andrzej Wierzbicki (University of Michigan) "Mechanisms of RNA-directed DNA methylation" 22.05.2017
Dr Agnieszka Wożniak "Targeted therapy in mesenchymal diseases - preclinical drug testing in vivo" 26.05.2017
Dr Sebastian Lewandowski (Karolinska Insitute) "Vascular injury accelerates the onset of ALS neurodegeneration: evidence from mouse models and patients" 30.06.2017


With any questions related to seminar please contact with: prof. dr hab. Michał Obuchowski

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Data publikacji: środa, 10. Sierpień 2016 - 10:58; osoba wprowadzająca: Elżbieta Moroz Ostatnia zmiana: poniedziałek, 31. Lipiec 2017 - 09:14; osoba wprowadzająca: Elżbieta Moroz