Invitation to the 3rd Multiplier and Matchmaking Event "From Data to Wisdom"

As part of the EIT HEI innovAId Consortium ( we extend our invitation to the students and staff of FarU to join us for an exciting event that promises to be a catalyst for innovation and collaboration in the realm of digital health.

The 3rd Multiplier and Matchmaking Event, "From Data to Wisdom", is a unique gathering designed to bring together like-minded individuals passionate about advancing healthcare through technology. This event aims to foster an environment where ideas can flourish and collaborations can be forged, propelling research projects to new heights.

Why Attend?

1. Networking opportunities with cross-disciplinary exchange
2. A chance to showcase your work
3. Inspiring Talks and Workshops

In order to join us, please register using the QR code in the attached poster.



We look forward to welcoming you to our event.

Warm regards,

3rd Multiplier Organizing Committee 


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Data publikacji: środa, 18. Październik 2023 - 07:56; osoba wprowadzająca: Maria Maja Pega Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 18. Październik 2023 - 08:32; osoba wprowadzająca: Maria Maja Pega