Zapraszamy na Inaugurację Roku Akademickiego 2019/2020
Dziekan i Rada Międzyuczelnianego Wydziału Biotechnologii
Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego i Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
mają zaszczyt zaprosić na
Wydziałową Inaugurację Roku Akademickiego 2019/2020.
Uroczystość odbędzie się 1 października 2019 roku o godzinie 12.00
w Auli 042 w Gdańsku-Oliwe przy ulicy Antoniego Abrahama 58.
W trakcie uroczystości odbędzie się wykład prof. dr hab. Jana Dumanskiego
Prof. dr hab. Jan Dumanski was born in Krakow.
At 1979 he stared medical study at Jagiellonian University.
Five years later, at 1984 became a PhD student at Karolinska Institute.
In 1990 defended PhD thesis concerning tumour pathology and genetics at Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
As postdoc he worked at University of Utah and University of Oklahoma in USA. Next, prof. Dumanski return to Karolinska Institute where he became a professor in 2006.
In 2018 he got an International Research Agenda grant founded by Foundation of Polish Science and became a visiting professor at Medical University of Gdańsk.
During his work supervised over 20 PhD students. Also has excellent publication record: he published over 160 research paper international scientific journals.
Among it he has 8 articles in Nature and linked titles like Nat. Genet. Rev.; Nat. Gent.; Nat. Medicine and other. His works were cited over 12000 times.
Current research areas: Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells is associated with smoking as well as shorter survival and higher risk of cancer in men;
post-zygotic genetic variation: studies of human aging/longevity and age-associated aberrations; novel biomarkers for breast cancer disease prediction and progression.
For more information, please visit:
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