Microbiomes in agroecosystems – the importance of the plant holobiont and soil microbiomes for the development of sustainable strategies of crop cultivation

Speaker: prof. dr hab. Magdalena Frąc - Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin

Talk:  Microbiomes in agroecosystems - the importance of the plant holobiont and soil microbiomes for the development of sustainable strategies of crop cultivation

Time: 28.02.2025, 9:00 am

Venue: Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, Abrahama 58, hall 042B

BSMagdalena Frąc is the Professor in agricultural sciences at the Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin, Poland. She is the Head of Department of Soil and Plant System and Supervisor of her Laboratory of Molecular and Environmental Microbiology, which organised. She set up and is chair-holder of the Molecular and Environmental Microbiology group with >15 years of experience in research in microbial activity and biochemical properties, including functional and genetic diversity of soil microbial communities. She is also focused on agricultural organic waste utilization, bioproducts and biofertilizers for agroecology, microbial indicators of soil quality and microbiological markers of ecological soil status and soil health. Her interests concern plant-soil-microbiome interactions, plant holobiont concept, and biotechnological solutions for diagnostics, control and monitoring of key fungal pathogens in sustainable agriculture. Soil mycology, phytopathogenic fungi and heat-resistant fungi are also of her interest. Other relevant experiences include coordination and implementation of national (NCN, NCBR, MNSzW) and international (Horizon Europe, H2020, EJP SOIL, ERA-NET SusCrop, Eastern Poland Programme) research and infrastructure projects (~10 Mio €).


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Data publikacji: piątek, 21. luty 2025 - 12:30; osoba wprowadzająca: Maria Maja Pega Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 21. luty 2025 - 12:34; osoba wprowadzająca: Maria Maja Pega